Brain Wellness Center offers integrative, comprehensive, compassionate care that results in long-term solutions for our clients. We specialize in uncovering the root causes of psychological symptoms while focusing on restoring healthy brain functions.

Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing you with lasting solutions to a wide variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD, sleep disorders, autism spectrum disorders, OCD and many more. We have locations in Modesto and San Ramon California.

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Integrative Care: Treating the Whole Person

At Brain Wellness Center, we recognize that in order to provide the best care for our patients, we must provide compassionate solutions that encompass both body and mind. Our in-depth assessments take into account both physical and psychological factors, and enable us to provide solutions to improve quality of life for all of our clients. We believe in integrative care, which means treating the whole person and not just the illness.

Brain Wellness Center’s focus is on non-medication based treatments that create long-term solutions for our clients by addressing underlying issues, not just symptom reduction. While medication can be included as part of our treatment plans, our bioanalysis, qEEG Brain Mapping, and genetic testing all ensure that any medication prescribed will be the best fit for each client’s unique needs.

We offer a variety of other services including:

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Direct current stimulation
  • Auditory integration training
  • EEG Neurofeedback

Our practice include psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists, with a focus on brain function, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, and toxicity exposure.

The Future of Medicine Now

The goal of integrative care is to understand the relationship between the human body and mind. Focusing on this allows us to examine and explore all aspects of your health before making any treatment decisions. These factors include:

  • Your unique EEG brain activity
  • A comprehensive blood panel
  • Any allergies or food sensitivities
  • Environmental toxin exposure
  • Metabolic markers and neurotransmitters

Many years of neurology experience enables us to quickly assess your qEEG brain map. Why is that important to your care?

Consider this: The only known risk associated with TMS is seizure and we are able to reduce this risk by evaluating your qEEG/EEG. Our experienced neurologists carefully review the EEG for any signs of unusual activity to determine if a client may be at risk of experiencing this negative side effect and how to reduce it.

We're the only facility in northern California to couple qEEG brain mapping with dTMS to reduce the risk of this side effect. It allows us to customize treatment plans based on a client’s unique brain patterns and achieve improved outcomes for our clients. Your overall wellness is our priority.

Financing Your Treatment

Here at Brain Wellness Center we believe that everybody should have access to our groundbreaking treatments. We have teamed up with Lendvious to make financing options available to our patients. Please visit the link to learn more about Lendvious and to apply for financing.

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  Disclaimer:  Our treatments can improve brain function but are not a cure. Results vary for different individuals. Each person's experience is unique, and what works for one patient may not work for another.       Statistical data doesn't apply to individual patients, as no treatment is effective for 100% of patients.

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