
Resources for Parents

Our Book Center offers dozens of useful informational books for parents, teachers and professionals on subjects such as:

  • Recognizing and coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from childhood through adulthood | Order Here
  • Treating ADD without Drugs | Order Here
  • Understanding and treating Attention Deficit Disorders in the everyday lives of children, adolescents and adults | Order Here
  • Facts about medication and other strategies for helping children, adolescents, and adults with attention deficit disorders | Order Here
  • Practical Advice for Parents from Parents | Order Here
  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults | Order Here
  • More concerning ADHD in Adults | Browse Here
  • More books for parents' review | Browse Here

Resources for Teachers

Most Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder children can be successful in the regular classroom with some help.

The ADD ADHD Links Project has 700 Links to ADD-ADHD sites, and related links on learning disabilities or other disorders. The Educator Resources section has over 100 links to sites for teachers. has over 500 classroom interventions to help students be more successful in the classroom. These interventions were written by teachers, educational psychologists, and therapists working with ADD ADHD students and their families.


Our Book Center offers dozens of useful informational books for school psychologists, teachers and administrators on subjects such as:

  • Effective strategies for identifying and teaching ADD students in elementary and secondary schools | Order Here
  • Practical Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions for Helping Children With Attention Problems and Hyperactivity | Order Here
  • ADD and High School and College Students | Order here
  • Creating a standard for working with students with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the school setting. | Order Here
  • ADHD: A Practical Guide for Teachers. | Order Here
  • Developing and implementing classroom programs. | Order Here

Just click on the links for more information about each volume.

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Additional Resources

Everything you wanted to know about EEG Neurofeedback including finding practitioners through out the world

The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR)

Want to know more about Adderall?

This printable guide offers suggestions on how to approach educators about your child’s ADHD.
ADHD: Talking to Your Child’s or Teen’s Teachers

This guide has a wealth of information on how to support your child at home by fostering a calm, soothing environment.
Creating a Comfortable Home Environment for Children with ADHD

If you suspect you have ADHD, this resource provides excellent information on factors your doctor considers in diagnosing you, as well as some of your treatment options.
Managing Adult ADHD

This guide not only outlines your legal rights at work, but also provides tips for accomplishing your career goals despite your ADHD.
How to Succeed in the Workplace with ADHD

For adults and children alike, there are an array of activities to try that can help ease ADHD symptoms.
ADHD Helpful Activities

  Disclaimer:  Our treatments can improve brain function but are not a cure. Results vary for different individuals. Each person's experience is unique, and what works for one patient may not work for another.       Statistical data doesn't apply to individual patients, as no treatment is effective for 100% of patients.

Patient Success Stories

"I can't say enough good things about Brain Wellness Center and all their staff! Everyone is super friendly and knowledgeable, and they were able to explain everything to me I'm simple layman's terms… 
Jason J.
"I have struggled with depression my whole life, and for those who also suffer from it, you know It not only affects you, but everyone around you. I had tried multiple medications, but they either we… 
Leonard S.
"Brain Wellness Center changed my life from the beginning. At first I was skeptical just like you all probably are, saying that this procedure would have a decrease or a complete recovery from depres… 
Gianella A.